Welcome new followers!!!


Thanks to those who have asked me why I’ve been away for months, I will write about that in another post. 


Happy new year, lovelies!(covers face).

How has the year been? How’s keeping the right routines been?

Here’s a quick introduction!

My name is Briggs Deborah and I’m a firm believer of the Gospel of Jesus. I write about Faith, Love…

To read more about me, click here

I think it’s safe to wish me a happy birthday on this day every year. It’s the day I was born twice(again) yaay!

I’m sure you’re also excited for me lol. I’ve had to celebrate this day every other year and I will in more to come. It’s the most important decision i ever made in my life.


I have learnt that Christ defines my being and here are some lessons seven years in the faith has taught me and would teach you too as a believer;

1. It is your believe in the Gospel that got you saved.

No matter how much you cry/cried or promise(d) God you’d never sin again, that’s not what saved you. I’ve heard countless of times some ideas that were just sentimental and those based on how I felt. Salvation is not based on how you feel but on faith in what Jesus did(Gospel) clearly spelt out in the Word.

Here’s the difference; one looks at himself, his sins, goodness, his shortcomings, his circumstances or mistakes to measure Salvation(identity). It can be subtle! Such person would always be found trying to measure up. This doesn’t take away guilt but rather puts you in a position where you feel like you have to do more to constantly be at peace with God.

The other trusts God for His salvation made available in Christ.

The Gospel is the good news of Christ’s death that has appeased God’s wrath for everyone who believes.


Perfectionist OR Christ centred?


Like Romans 5:1 reads:

“..Now being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…”

I love the way Amplified version puts it:

“Therefore, since we have been justified [that is, acquitted of sin, declared blameless before God] by faith, [let us grasp the fact that] we have peace with God [and the joy of reconciliation with Him] through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed).”

This is the Gospel! It’s in it God’s power to live victoriously is revealed. It is what saves! It is your assurance of salvation and your hope! This should be the testimony of every believer:

“Jesus did it, I receive(walk in) it and I tell it”


2.  The fulfilment of God’s plan in your life is dependent on your prayer life.

Prayer is one way to bring God’s work/plan to fruition in our lives. It keeps you in God’s will! It gives direction for your life! Those who don’t pray can never do God’s will on earth. Visions are birthed in the place of prayer as it gives direction for your life. Prayer works and it is dynamic in it’s workings.


3. Understanding God’s love is pivotal to your growth in Grace.

I used to sing a particular song which is a good one but it was simply emotion based. Good isn’t always God. I had to ask myself if that song was really consistent with the Gospel. To grow as a believer, you must go beyond emotional singing to singing truths and realities of who you are in Christ!

The Bible doesn’t leave us clueless about the purpose of God’s love for us. It was iterated many times throughout scripture. The reason you don’t know why God loves you is the same reason you don’t live like He does. God’s love was clearly expressed in the sacrifice Jesus paid for your sins, in not taking into account your sins which gives you the assurance of eternal life, in declaring you guilt free and giving you His righteousness. This is what it means to be loved by God.


4.   We are all at different levels in our faith walk but God loves us still.

That taught me a lot. That’s the beauty of it all. We must learn from this in relating with our fellow believers. While some are weak in doctrine, some need encouragements, we should learn to tolerate and bear one another’s differences because at some point it was same for you.


5.  God is interested in every area of your life.

I wish I could repeat this to your hearing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. If He could die for you freely, what will He not give you in terms of earthly value? God wants you wealthy, he wants you living sane, progressing in your career and business. He’s interested in the fact that you sometimes are having a hard time with sexual urges or dealing with fear or coping with a bitter neighbour. He’s also interesting in you understanding that He’s your satisfaction! He wants you to know and learn contentment in Him not in earthly or material gains.


6. You have God’s spirit on your inside.

I think this is the last I’d pen down and it is very important. Several times I’ve had directions even in moments when I don’t ‘feel’ His presence but His word says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. I have come to understand that the Word is my surest bet. Dear believer, what you have received is a seal!

READ ALSO: Overcoming Fear


See Paul’s words;

“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,…”
Ephesians 1:13 KJV

See also verse 14 in the AMPLIFIED version:

“The Spirit is the guarantee [the first installment, the pledge, a foretaste] of our inheritance until the redemption of God’s own [purchased] possession [His believers], to the praise of His glory.”


I remember few years back when I was to do a residence permit abroad, dad had to send a consent letter with stamps and a seal showing that the documents are legal and from a true source. It was also to show the authenticity of the sender of the letter and that it can never be tampered with.
Another analogy is a term, “seal in moisture” used in caring for the hair. Anyone who keeps their hair(mostly natural hair people) or takes care of it well would understand this. It’s said that after washing your hair, the LOC method should be applied in the following order:

L- Liquid
O- Oil
C- Cream

Some oils acts as a sealant. They are used to preserve and secure the moisture in your hair outwards. Although these are natural examples but they give insight to the reality of what has occurred in us.

The Spirit in you is your guarantee!! He never leaves as it was never your idea but God’s!

I hope this blessed you? These are a few and cogent things I learnt so far. There’s more but these have been the driving force of my faith walk.

Share your lessons too!! I’d love to hear from you.


Contact me on my social media handles:

Twitter: @briggs_deborahO

IG: @briggs_deborah


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